{% extends 'default/layout.html' -%} {%- block doctype %} {% endblock -%} {% block extrahead %} {% for lang in languages %} {%- if lang != language -%} {%- if has_lang(lang, pagename) -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {%- set script_files = script_files + ["_static/app.js", "_static/modernizr.foundation.js", "_static/foundation.js"] -%} {# Use the header block to insert the CSF navbar #} {%- block header %} {# Outer wrapper for pushing the footer to the bottom #}
{% endblock -%} {%- block relbar1 %}
{% endblock -%} {%- block content %}
{%- if pagename != 'search' -%} Improve this Doc {%- endif -%} {% block body %} {% endblock %}
{# End of div[id=wrapper] #} {% endblock -%} {%- block relbar2 %} {# Empty so links aren't duplicated #} {% endblock %} {%- block footer %} {# Push the footer down to the bottom of the page #}
{%- endblock %}